Econet has recently come across instances where unscrupulous individuals have been selling used recharge cards, tricking customers into purchasing cards that are already depleted or expired. This deceitful practice not only leads to financial loss for the subscribers but also undermines their trust in the recharge card system. To combat this scam, Econet has taken proactive measures to alert their subscribers and educate them on how to avoid becoming victims.

Precautions to Take:
To protect their subscribers from falling prey to this scam, Econet has provided a list of precautions that customers should keep in mind when purchasing recharge cards. These precautions are designed to help users identify potential scams and make informed decisions. Some of the key precautions include:

Purchase from Authorized Sellers: Only buy recharge cards from authorized vendors, such as registered Econet shops, authorized agents, or reputable retailers. Avoid purchasing from street vendors or unknown individuals.

Check for Tampering: Inspect the recharge card packaging for any signs of tampering or damage. If the packaging appears altered or the scratch-off panel has already been revealed, do not proceed with the purchase.

Verify Card Validity: Before making any payment, ensure that the recharge card is valid. Scrutinize the expiry date and compare it to the current date. If the card has already expired, it should not be purchased.

Report Suspicious Activity: If you come across any suspicious activity or encounter vendors selling used recharge cards, report the issue to Econet immediately. This can be done by contacting their customer support or using the provided phone number in the warning message.