Facebook Ads have become an integral part of marketing strategies for businesses. However, with the increasing popularity and usage of social media platforms for advertising, Facebook has implemented strict policies and algorithms to ensure user safety and prevent scams and fraudulent activities. As a result, many advertisers find themselves facing Facebook account restrictions, even when they believe they have followed all the guidelines. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind Facebook account restrictions and provide effective mitigation strategies to help businesses fight back and maintain a healthy advertising presence on the platform.

Understanding the Reasons for Facebook Account Restrictions:
Facebook cares deeply about user experience and aims to protect its users from harmful or misleading content. Consequently, Facebook has taken measures to identify patterns and behaviors that may pose a risk to users. Here are some common reasons why Facebook may restrict an advertising account:
a. Suspicious Activity:
Facebook monitors account activities closely and looks for patterns that resemble fraudulent or deceptive behavior. Actions such as using several profiles under the same cookies or IP address, using multiple payment methods simultaneously, or launching ads without proper warm-up can trigger suspicion and lead to account restrictions.

b. Previous Account Bans:
If an advertiser attempts to relaunch Facebook ads after a previous account ban without making significant changes, such as domain name or account modifications, the algorithm may recognize the account and impose restrictions.

Implementing an Ideal Business Suite Structure:
To minimize the chances of a Facebook account restriction and safeguard your advertising assets, it is crucial to structure your Business Suite effectively. Consider the following recommendations:
a. Two Business Suites:
Create two separate Business Suites—one dedicated to running Facebook Ads and the other to hosting the Facebook pixel. This division ensures that all your eggs are not in one basket and provides a backup option in case of a restriction.

b. Multiple Profiles:
Within each Business Suite, have at least three profiles: two admin profiles (main and backup) and one employee profile responsible for running ads. This setup reduces the risk of losing control over the Business Suite if one of the profiles gets restricted.

c. Agency Ad Accounts:
Consider using agency ad accounts linked to your Business Suite. These accounts are less likely to face restrictions and offer direct communication channels with Facebook representatives for quick resolution in case of any issues.

d. Aged and Verified Profiles:
Utilize reinstated profiles that have successfully undergone ID verification or real and aged profiles that are still active. These profiles are more solid and less likely to trigger suspicion.

Best Practices for Pages Running Facebook Ads:
Pages, especially new ones, are susceptible to restrictions when running Facebook ads. To mitigate the risk, follow these guidelines:
a. Use Aged or Reinstated Pages:
Prefer using aged pages that have been around for a while or reinstated pages that have undergone ID verification. Older pages are considered more trustworthy by Facebook's algorithm.

b. Complete Page Information:
Fill in all the necessary information in the "About" section of your page, including the Impressum and Privacy Policy. This step adds credibility to your page and enhances user trust.

c. Organic Posts and Engagement:
Regularly post organic content on your page to build a community and establish credibility. Before launching conversion ads, run a Page Like campaign and aim for consistent engagement to gain Facebook's trust.

d. Separate Media Buyer Profile:
Assign a media buyer profile as an Editor on the page, independent of your main account structure. This allows for easier removal and replacement of the media buyer profile in case of restrictions or low feedback scores.

Recovering a Restricted Account:
If your account gets restricted, follow these steps to increase the chances of recovery:
a. Choose "Other" as the reason when appealing the restriction. Provide a detailed explanation of why you believe your account was restricted. This increases the likelihood of human review rather than automated processes.

b. Be Transparent and Detailed:
In your appeal, provide as much relevant information as possible to demonstrate your commitment to following Facebook's guidelines and maintaining a legitimate advertising presence.

Facebook account restrictions can be frustrating for advertisers, but by understanding the reasons behind them and implementing effective mitigation strategies, businesses can maintain a healthy advertising presence on the platform. By structuring Business Suites properly, utilizing verified profiles, following best practices for pages, and appealing restrictions transparently, businesses can fight back against account restrictions and continue leveraging the power of Facebook Ads to reach their target audience effectively.